Thursday, September 27, 2012

More whining about my ankle


I went to bed really early last night and woke late this morning; I ended up being in bed for 10 hours, mostly asleep. That really helped with the tiredness of the past couple of days but still a bit sleepy today. Tim says that there is a virus going around that causes tiredness and he has it too. I have had other possible symptoms like the headache and itchiness deep in one ear. I'll go to bed early again tonight.

Unfortunately when I got out of bed this morning my ankle was sore again. It's been a whole week since I last hurt it and I'd only had a few twinges since then, but today it was aching all day. Walking the kids to school was a trial and so was grocery shopping in the afternoon, so I chose not to exercise other than the half hour walking. I felt pretty depressed and guilty all day about not exercising even though I truly believe it was the best thing. Maybe I should have gone to the gym anyway and used the weights machines but I just wanted to rest my ankle. Well, I didn't go. I can't second-guess myself now and beat myself up over it. And anyway, I still think it was probably the right decision.

I am sick of wearing this ankle support too. Ironically I don't really notice I'm wearing it when I'm moving around, but it gets really irritating when I am sitting still for a while.

The evening performance of the school concert was tonight so Tim got to come as well. The hall was packed with proud parents and everything went well.

Only one more school day until the holidays.

Night all.

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