Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Another uniform


Today was Jasmine's turn to get her winter school uniform, so I drove her to school instead of her taking the bus (too far to walk). She is short (like me) and the trousers were way too long! The lady said they shrink up a bit in the wash so not cut them straight away - or at all - she suggested something called Magic Tape to fold up the bottoms until Jas grew a bit then they could last years.

There was an embarrassing moment at the end. I also bought Jas a school jacket and she wanted to wear it today so the lady gave me a permanent market and I wrote her name on the label - and only then realised I'd been given the wrong item! It was the other lady's fault but now I'd written my daughter's name on the tag in permanent marker. She changed it for the correct item immediately and I checked very carefully this time before I wrote in it, but felt a bit embarrassed that they now had an unsalable jumper. I suppose they could put it on the second-hand rack and sell it at a discount.

All my energy from yesterday seems to have fled. I edited in the morning, then listened to a Headspace meditation after lunch and dozed off, then felt groggy for the rest of the afternoon. Very glad Wednesdays don't have any after-school activities.

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