Monday, August 29, 2016



I guess some days aren't as nice as a day at the beach.

I woke up this morning feeling tired, sad, grumpy, and as if I was coming down with some minor but annoying illness. Nothing unusual there, I feel like that just about every morning! I've learned not to judge any day by the first hour or so. But today the feeling persisted a lot longer than usual, pretty much all day.

I weighed myself to find that the kilogram I'd lost during the week found its way back over the weekend. 83.5 kg. So disappointing. Yes we did have lunch out both days of the weekend and I did have some kind of unhealthy snack or dessert each day (or more than one). But I was still hoping. I'd done so well all week.

I went into a bit of rebellious mood, why keep trying?, and bought a couple of bad things while out shopping. Now my tongue hurts from too much sugar.

Oh, and I feel like going out in the sun is an intelligence test I keep failing. I've had repeated proof all my life that I can't go out into the sun for more than an hour without getting burned. Each time I say this time will be different. I have a hat, sunscreen, clothing, it's winter, I won't get burned this time! But the sun finds a way to attack some part of my body. This time the tops of my feet. When I put sunscreen on I was wearing my shoes, but once we got to the sand I took my shoes off... It's not too bad, I can still wear shoes, but the skin is quite pink and tender. This time was my fault, but even with sunscreen I always burn somewhere. So what should I do when I want to go to the beach or play outside or go for a long walk or visit an amusement park? I get burned every single time, and so does Jasmine, no matter what we do. We have English/Russian skin trying to cope with an Australian sun. Definitely need some kind of shade-cloth when we get our pool.

So anyway, got through the day more or less intact, did some of the things I had planned. Time to watch Survivor.

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